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A Little About Me

Who is Gunny?


As an active duty Marine, I swore an oath that “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same”.  As a combat veteran I fought to uphold the principles and values of our great country.  My goal now is to help those traders and investors who are not achieving the type of success in their trading and investing that they planned on achieving.  After retiring from the U.S. Marine Corps Gunny served as a Corporate and Government Account Executive for several Fortune 500 companies and local government agencies.


Gunny D began trading in the Foreign Exchange Market in 2005.  He retired from his job in 2007 as a Corporate & Government Account Executive and became a full-time trader.  Gunny has developed a unique approach to the financial markets through his use of a variety technical studies and methodologies.  This unique approach allows him to get out in front of the markets which allows him to anticipate and project future price movements in the markets.


Gunny has been a moderator & educator for several companies.  Since 2008 Gunny D has been helping other traders implement a variety of methodologies and strategies across all types of markets.  He shares his unique approach to the marketplace using a variety of proven and successful methodologies and strategies.  Along with The Elliott Wave Theory & Fibonacci Studies, Gunny uses other methodologies such as Harmonic & Vibratory Patterns; Timing Applications; Currency Correlation and several others as analyses the markets.

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